What to expect

Experience compassionate coaching to achieve purpose, harmony, and clarity in your
relationships and inner self. You are the captain of your ship: you make your own decisions and goals, and I give you the tools and support to get where you want to be.


Choose your journey


Personally for you

Coaching is a deeply personal journey, and my approach is tailored to meet each client's unique needs. The packages listed below provide an overview of the services I offer, but they are flexible and can be adjusted based on individual goals, preferences, and pace. During our free Discovery Call, we will assess your specific needs and choose the right package for you. Every coaching session lasts 45-60 minutes, and I’m committed to supporting you every step of the way.

Includes 6 coaching sessions
and ongoing email support
the coaching agreement.

calm by of water near mountains


3-month support

This package includes
12 coaching sessions,
plus email and SMS support.

brown grass field near mountain during daytime


6-month support

24 coaching sessions, with additional
support via email, SMS, and phone (available 5 days a week by appointment).

The sun shines through the trees in the distance


12-month support

This comprehensive package includes 48 coaching sessions, with unlimited support through phone, email, and SMS outside of coaching sessions. You can also schedule up to 4 check-in sessions (20 minutes each) to ensure progress along the way.